Original Source: Davis, M.P., Sparks, J.S., and Smith, W.L. (2016). Repeated and Widespread Evolution of Bioluminescence in Marine Fishes. PLOS ONE. 11(6): e0155154.
A preserved Black Dragonfish (Idiacanthus) with bioluminescent barbel.
Media Coverage
Yong, E. National Geographic. "Surprising History of Glowing Fish."
Harvey, C. Mashable. "There are Far More Glowing Fish in the Sea Than Previously Known."
Nuwer, R. Smithsonian Magazine. "Way More Fish Can Make Their Own Light Than We Thought."
Weisberger, M. Live Science. "Flash Mob! Glowing in Fishes More Widespread Than Thought." Image Gallery
Feltman, R. The Washington Post. "Glow-in-the-Dark Fish Have Evolved Over and Over Again."
Kuhr, M. Newsweek. "Bioluminescence is Spreading to New Fish Species."
Lewis, T. The Scientist. "Evolution of Fish Bioluminescence."
Sierra, C. Pulse Headlines. "Glowing deep ocean fishes have evolved at least 27 times."
Navarro, A. Tech Times. "Glow-in-the-dark Ocean Fish Are More Widespread Than Known."
PLOS. EurekAlert! "New research shines light on evolutionary variety of bioluminescent ocean fishes."
AMNH. News and Blogs. "Bioluminescence Evolved Frequently in Fish."